Air pre-heater burner

Air pre-heater burner


Shortage of energy increased the fuel cost in the worldwide, recently. Moreover, the operation expense of equipments for each sector id also substantially increased. Wu-Fung is devoted to develop the all series of industrial burner with high temperature of combustion air. The main goal of development is more energy saving and less carbon dioxide emissions. There are many real operation achievements to earn much approving from the customers.

The temperature of exhaust flue gas is usually more than 200℃ in the industrial processes. An air preheater is often installed on the exit of chimney. The preheated air is applied on the combustion of the burner through the heat transfer of the burner through the heat transfer of the air preheater. Hence, the combustion efficiency is increased due to the temperature of flue gas is reduced. And that is to achieve the main value on the energy saving and low emissions.

Generally, the temperature of combustion air is room degree for the most combustion system. In case of increasing the temperature of combustion chamber, the fuel consumption is reduced due to high reaction and the operation expense is more economic. In addition, it is with high advantage for the low pressure air atomization combustion and unstable quality of heavy oil. There are many benefits for the energy saving but also the cost down of enterprises.

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